Marco A. Villena


Postdoctoral fellow


Building 3 - Desk 2260-WS02


Marco A. Villena holds a PhD (with honors) in Physics and Space Science at the University of Granada, Spain, 2015. His thesis focused on the modeling and development of novel simulation tools for RRAM (Resistive Random Access Memories) devices called SIM2RRAM.

Now, he is a senior postdoctoral researcher at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia. He obtained this position after spending several years working as a physicist/scientist at Applied Materials in Reggio Emilia, Italy. In this period in the industry, he was involved in the development of the simulation tool GINESTRA. Previously, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Soochow University, Suzhou, China, and a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University, California, USA. His research interests focus on the development of new physical models and simulation tools for RRAM devices based on 2D materials. In addition, he has designed new methods of automatic analysis for the experimental measurements of these devices.

Selected Publications

  • Zhu, K., Pazos, S., Aguirre, F., Shen, Y., Yuan, Y., Zheng, W., Alharbi, O., Villena, M. A., Fang, B., Li, X., Milozzi, A., Farronato, M., Muñoz-Rojo, M., Wang, T., Li, R., Fariborzi, H., Roldan, J. B., Benstetter, G., Zhang, X., Alshareef, H., Grasser, T., Wu, H., Ielmini, D., Lanza, M., 2023. Hybrid 2D/CMOS microchips for memristive applications. Nature, 618, pp.57-62.
  • Villena, M.A., Jiménez-Molinos, F., Roldán, J.B., Suñé, J., Long, S., Lian, X., Gámiz, F. and Liu, M., 2013. An in-depth simulation study of thermal reset transitions in resistive switching memories. Journal of Applied Physics, 114(14), p.144505.
  • Villena, M.A., González, M.B., Jiménez-Molinos, F., Campabadal, F., Roldán, J.B., Suñé, J., Romera, E. and Miranda, Y.E., 2014. Simulation of thermal reset transitions in resistive switching memories including quantum effects. Journal of Applied Physics, 115(21), p.214504.
  • Xiao, N., Villena, M.A., Yuan, B., Chen, S., Wang, B., Eliáš, M., Shi, Y., Hui, F., Jing, X., Scheuermann, A. and Tang, K., 2017. Resistive random access memory cells with a bilayer TiO2/SiOX insulating stack for simultaneous filamentary and distributed resistive switching. Advanced Functional Materials, 27(33), p.1700384.
  • Villena, M.A., Magyari-Kope, B., Nishi, Y., McIntyre, P.C. and Lanza, M., 2019. Effect of IrO2 Spatial Distribution on the Stability and Charge Distribution of Ti1–xIrxO2 Alloys. Chemistry of Materials, 31(21), pp.8742-8751.
  • Lanza, M., Wong, H.-S. P., Pop, E., Ielmini, D., Strukov, D., Regan, B. C., Larcher, L., Villena, M. A., Yang, J. J., Goux, L., Belmonte, A., Yang, Y., Puglisi, F. M., Kang, J., Magyari-Köpe, B., Yalon, E., Kenyon, A., Buckwell, M., Mehonic, A., Shluger, A., Li, H., Hou, T.-H., Hudec, B., Akinwande, D., Ge, R., Ambrogio, S., Roldan, J. B., Miranda, E., Suñe, J., Pey, K. L., Wu, X., Raghavan, N., Wu, E., Lu, W. D., Navarro, G., Zhang, W., Wu, H., Li, R., Holleitner, A., Wurstbauer, U., Lemme, M. C., Liu, M., Long, S., Liu, Q., Lv, H., Padovani, A., Pavan, P., Valov, I., Jing, X., Han, T., Zhu, K., Chen, S., Hui, F., Shi, Y., 2019. Recommended methods to study resistive switching devices. Advanced Electronic Materials, 5(1), p.1800143.
  • Villena, M.A., Roldán, J.B., Jimenez-Molinos, F., Suñé, J., Long, S., Miranda, E. and Liu, M., 2014. A comprehensive analysis on progressive reset transitions in RRAMs. Journal of Physics D: applied physics, 47(20), p.205102.
  • Villena, M.A., González, M.B., Roldán, J.B., Campabadal, F., Jiménez-Molinos, F., Gómez-Campos, F.M. and Suñé, J., 2015. An in-depth study of thermal effects in reset transitions in HfO2 based RRAMs. Solid-State Electronics, 111, pp.47-51.
  • Villena, M.A., Roldán, J.B., Jiménez-Molinos, F., Miranda, E., Suñé, J. and Lanza, M., 2017. SIM2RRAM: a physical model for RRAM devices simulation. Journal of Computational Electronics, 16(4), pp.1095-1120.


  • Ph.D., Physics, University of Granada, Spain, 2015
  • M.Sc., Physics and Simulation, University of Granada, Spain, 2012
  • B.Sc., Physics, University of Granada, Spain, 2010

Professional Profile

  • 2022 - current: Senior Postdoctoral fellow, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
  • 2019 - 2022: Physicist/scientist, Applied Materials Inc., Reggio Emilia, Italy
  • 2017 - 2019: Postdoctoral fellow, Stanford University, California, USA
  • 2016 - 2019: Postdoctoral fellow, Soochow University, Suzhou, China


Suzhou NANO-CIC postdoctoral fellow 2017

Research Interests Keywords

Materials science ab-initio 2D materials Neuromorphic Memristor